Land of the free home of the brave cliche
Land of the free home of the brave cliche

land of the free home of the brave cliche

"Revolutions are not about trifles, but they spring from trifles." "Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal, and equals that they may be superior." "If we do not soon bestir ourselves for a bloody revolution, we cannot leave anything to our children but poverty and slavery." "When you have a revolution cooking on the stove make sure you have a revolutionist for a chef." Perhaps we will discover that we must remain in a constant state of revolution." To find out what kind of society will come out of this destruction, we must go through the experience of the revolution. "We do not know what kind of society we would replace this one with, but this one must be destroyed. "Revolutionary activity without serious study, planning and thought has a tendency to become counterrevolutionary." "Revolutionaries should all be shot before they shoot the unrevolutionaries." "Revolution that, like Saturn, devours its own children has deviated from its proper path."

land of the free home of the brave cliche

A price must be set on tyranny and the tyrants must pay the price." "History shows that freedom is born in pain. "A revolution is not a spectacle! There are no spectators! Everyone participates whether they know it or not." "During revolutions green plants don't get enough water." The cycle goes on and on, and along the way the values of humanism and social justice the rebels champion take shape and change and are slowly implemented in the minds of all men even as their advocates falter and succumb to the materialistic decadence of the prevailing status quo." "History is like a relay race of revolutions the torch of idealism is carried by one group of revolutionaries until it too becomes an establishment, and then the torch is snatched up and carried on the next leg of the race by a new generation of revolutionaries. "The firebrand revolutionary freedom fighter is the first to destroy the rights and even the lives of the next generation of rebels." "In the abstract theory of our government the obedience of the citizen is not due to an unconstitutional law: he may lawfully resist its execution." "It is an observation of one of the profoundest inquiries into human affairs that a revolution of government is the strongest proof that can be given by a people, of their virtue and good sense."

Land of the free home of the brave cliche